Friday, August 23, 2013

Cyrus Sutton and Randomness

Cyrus Sutton.  I've been a fan for a while and didn't even know it.

I decided last minute after dinner to head over to La Paloma Theater in Encinitas to catch the free preimere of "Compassing" by Cyrus Sutton.  I guess I was late, because the theater was full and I was still in line.  Cyrus, the author of the film "Compassing" apologized to everyone still in line because he couldn't let us in.  He told the crowd he didn't expect this many people to show up and deeply apologized. As everyone was leaving, I decided to walk up to the door and just ask if there was one more seat in the isle for a lonely brown guy.  Cyrus was at the door, and I just asked.  Cyrus replied "I'm not going to stop you bro, just keep walking," and looked away, on purpose.  And I made it in, found a seat and enjoyed the show.  For reals though, it was really good.  Kepa Acero was also in the film (you know, the Basque surfer who surfed naked in Angola or something).  One thing I really enjoyed is that Cyrus let the surfing breath.  It wasn't all edited with quick cuts to airs and barrels, but he let the surfing flow from take off to end in most scenes.  And it was entertaining and lighthearted.  Anyways, I was pretty stoked that I made it, and appreciative of Cyrus for letting me pass.  

The Van
I had to leave pretty quick after the show because I was parked a block away at a resteraunt that said strictly "You will be towed if you are not a patron".  And I was driving La Jefa's car, and you know how that goes if you lose your partner's car.  I looked for some of Cyrus' movies when I got home and come to find out that besides, he is also the regressing forward guy whom I posted a couple of vids on this blog.  Pretty rad.  I thought regressing forward was some random Malibu guy, but I guess not.  Here are some of my favorite regressing forward and videos that you have probably seen on this blog, but in my way of saying thanks to Cyrus for letting me in, I'll plug them back in one more time.  And they are GREAT videos to boot.  Enjoy.

My favorite regressing forward video:  

Malibu- One Wave from Cyrus Sutton on Vimeo.

Cy's left from a blog back in May:

Cy's Sunrise Lefts from on Vimeo.

And this one reminded me of Allan Weisbecker's epic trip down south:

Mexico Logging in December- Regressing Forward from Cyrus Sutton on Vimeo.

Oh and here is a trailer for "Compassing", which I think you can download for free on 9/3.  Hit this   link for more info.  And I think I posted this trailer a few weeks ago under "Two Months Off..." (well I did if there is a link.

COMPASSING Trailer from Cyrus Sutton on Vimeo.

Life can be so fucking random : ).  But good randoms. And randoms that sting.  And definitely, the videos above have had some influence on some of the shitty films I have made.

Update as of August 7, 2013!  Here is Cyrus Sutton's full length film "Compassing":

COMPASSING from on Vimeo.

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